And If I Die?, 2016

Sala San Antonio Abad
CAAM, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno
Cabildo de Gran Canaria, España

Cotton discs, staples

Although the body moves towards a thing with all the instruments of its embodied perception, it materializes itself through that perception without reaching an absolute form. And to reach this degree precisely, it loses not only the form but the subject. 
Not only does our existence articulate that of a form through the language of our perception, the form calls that language of us and with it our own sense of embodied experience.
And if I die? is what I call "after-performance". It is the melancholy of what is left after an experience, described by Blanchot as an "ecstatic experience".
The pacification of social existence perhaps finds its greatest impact in a relationship with one's own body.

Body says more than what is meant in a world of self-representation.
Body betrays me through its breakdowns and failures.
Llimitless body goes beyond freedom in itself.
Body I can’t get rid of except by killing myself.